Our services are customized for your needs.
You don’t have to go it alone. Whether your community, congregation, or organization is entering a time of planned change, is experiencing internal conflict, or is facing other challenges, our experienced process planners and facilitators can help. We serve as coaches to internal leaders and guides for system-wide change processes. Below you’ll find descriptions for the services we are most commonly asked to provide. Please contact us if you have any questions about these services, or wish to speak to one of our consultants.
Strategic Planning
Our consultants work with organizational stakeholders to identify key strengths and shared vision, mission, values, and goals to catalyze new energy, passion, and life. We facilitate the strategic planning process to include a new strategic plan and follow-up structure review and implementation plans to ensure results. This process assists organizations in responding to new opportunities or other changes in their organizations and environments.
Change Management
Our consultants guide churches, organizations, and their leadership through managing organizational change and transitions in a healthy way. We work alongside individual leaders and congregations or organizations to help them navigate the following common transitions: retirement, resignation and transition to a new job; forced exit of clergy or leadership; staff downsizing, rightsizing, or expansion; congregation or organizational growth or shrinkage; and graduation from Divinity School and entry into a new position.
Coaching and Leadership Development
Our coaching is designed around a minister’s or leader’s individual needs and intentions to help them become more strategically focused while also energizing their sense of purpose and satisfaction, in turn improving the health of the congregations or organizations they lead and serve. Ministers and leaders are matched with a professional coach and coaching takes place during 1-2 telephone meetings per month.
We are trained to work alongside clergy and leaders in the following areas: vocational call, conflict resolution, clarity of personal mission and vision, project implementation, vocational or life transitions, and options for spiritual formation and/or personal growth.
Conflict Transformation
Our consultants provide insights to organizational members that will equip them with skills and insights needed to better manage conflict through skills training in communication and negotiation and personality style inventories. We address specific conflict issues and relationship tensions in need of transformation through direct leadership of mediation, facilitation or circle processes.
Spiritual Discernment
When a group is struggling together to discern a way forward is gifted with a shared goal of being led by God in their corporate discernment process, additional, spiritually-oriented process tools may be available that grow out of the group’s own faith tradition or which, while borrowed from other spiritual traditions, feel “comfortable”. Facilitated problem-solving uses a range of process “tools” to assist groups to incorporate not only sound rational analysis based on the best available information, but also to engage senses, feelings, imaginations, and intuition as a group wrestles with specific issues.
Education and Training
Our consultants are knowledgeable educators who can address topics which range from conflict transformation, to leadership development, to facilitation and mediation skills building, to name a few. Our materials and formats are designed after consultation to meet your specific needs.
When conflict has already surfaced between individuals or within a group, a mediated dialogue or an extended process may be more appropriate than facilitation.
Our consultants act as resources to the organization to guide meetings and structured dialogues, encourage participation, mutual understanding, and consensus building. Our professional facilitation frees organizational leaders or members from the facilitator role to fully participate in the discussion and decision-making.
Culture Review
Our consultants resource internal leaders in planning for and leading a culture review for the organization that includes assessment of the organization’s current culture and subcultures and recommendations regarding changes to that culture.
We lead an internal task force that is broadly representative of the organization in developing and implementing a culture review process.
Structure Review
Our consultants resource internal leaders in planning for and leading a structure review process for the organization that includes assessment of the current decision-making structure and recommendations regarding changes to that structure.
We lead an internal task force that is broadly representative of the organization in developing and implementing a structure review process.